Hi Andrew,
heres a few so far.
The original bike is a 79/80 Mk 2 Le Mans that i imported from spain.
stripped down to restore . Realised it needed major overhaul, so when I was researching
the parts etc I cam across lots of Cafe racer style guzzis that have inspired me to build one.
(Much more fun than the original !)
Most inspiration was from a company in Germany called H T Moto.
A guy called Hartmutt and his son race guzzis in classic racing and also make many
special parts for guzzis of all types, cant recommend them highly enough, top pros !
So stripped the bike and sent the engine to NBS (guzzi specialist in UK) I would have liked to do it
myself but only have a lock up garage at the moment so just not practical.
They rebuilt the engine, Gearbox and final drive box.
Ali tank came from Johns Tank shop in Scotland.
Frame is just getting some brackets welded for the new seat unit (H T Moto) and will then be ready
for powder coating (not sure about black or grey silver ?)
Then the rebuild can begin
Oh yes ! and the new wheels.
I managed to obtain some rare to find Astralite wheels (Black) but having thought about a classic look
decided to go for a set of Borrani wire wheels instead.
So the Astralites will be on a plane to USA soon to Andrew ! and his set of Borranis will be making its way to me in the UK.
More later